Fields of intervention

Large group events

We create the conditions for consulting as many people as possible and involving your teams in the transformation process.

We support you in your innovation initiatives by mobilising the players involved in change.

We transform your events into interactive experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Fields of intervention

Large group events

We create the conditions for consulting as many people as possible and involving your teams in the transformation process.

We support you in your innovation initiatives by mobilising the players involved in change.

We transform your events into interactive experiences that leave a lasting impression.

How would you like to energise your corporate seminars and make them truly memorable?

Imagine a team of coach-facilitators, experts in running large groups, ready to transform your events into an engaging and interactive experience!

With smooth management, flawless coordination and energetic facilitation, every participant will feel involved and motivated.

As an added bonus, we’ll gamify your events like superheroes and align each activity with your objectives for maximum effectiveness.

So, are you ready to give your seminars a new dimension?

Some common challenges

Challenges encountered

In the professional world, there are many challenges that stand in the way of the full development of the managers and employees we support. Here are just a few concrete examples.


At large corporate meetings, it is often tempting for the organisers to follow a “top down” approach, where managers and senior executives speak in a directive manner, while the participants play a passive role.

It is of course important to share and motivate everyone by celebrating results and successes achieved, or to clarify the company’s ambition and vision to give everyone clear direction.

The fact remains, however, that if these formats are repeated systematically, they can generate a feeling of boredom and disconnection among participants, who are excluded from the discussion. Large-group seminars are special moments, essential for everyone’s commitment, cohesion and motivation.


Ensuring clear and effective communication with all participants before, during and after the seminar can be a challenge, especially when the group is large.

Managers and organisers need to ensure that important information is conveyed to all participants in a timely manner, and that strategic directions are communicated and clarified to address any misunderstandings.

Lastly, the day’s proceedings must be well thought out and the objectives of the sequences very precise for each of the participants.

Expectation management

Participants’ expectations can vary considerably depending on their individual needs, preferences and expectations. As an organiser, how can we incorporate these expectations appropriately and ensure that the seminar meets the needs of the majority of participants?

Logistics and coordination

Managing an event involving several hundred people requires meticulous planning in terms of reserving and preparing the space, managing timetables, passing on information and, above all, harmonising the event with the organising team (breaks, meals, activities, work sessions, etc.).

This is a sensitive point often raised by managers, who are often confronted at the last minute with rooms that are too small, with no adequate equipment or no amenities provided, resulting in wasted time and a lack of adjustment to the needs of the teams.

Teambuilding in overdrive

According to a Cairn article published in 2023, team building activities have become commonplace in the workplace, but their effectiveness in terms of team cohesion is being questioned.

The study reveals that these activities are often perceived as ridiculous, and can even create a sense of unease, in a constant call to “have fun”, and far removed from the objectives pursued by the teams. Today’s employees aspire to more spontaneity, to time for real exchange and sharing.


We’ll work with you to design unique, immersive systems that combine form and content, events, coaching and facilitation.

  • Theme-based workshops and open forums
  • Tailor-made games
  • Digital tools

Like team coaching seminars involving a smaller team, we believe it’s essential to favour an approach that combines objectives, flow and sequence of sequences, so as to be able to involve everyone in an immersive and fun day, but above all one that makes sense and meets needs.

Example of gamification carried out during a seminar for over 300 people

A giant trivial pursuit, the board of which was reproduced in the seminar room using colour! The aim was to showcase the company’s entire innovation ecosystem.

A corporate foundation’s humanitarian innovation summit.

This exceptional event, which brought together more than 450 participants,

brought together partners and company employees to listen, discuss, explore and engage in ongoing collaboration to address specific humanitarian challenges.

The method?

  • An interactive plenary session, with many humanitarian organisations talking about their experiences in the field.
  • Identification of the challenges and needs of today and tomorrow in the face of these crisis situations
  • A Blitz! session based on the Think Wrong method, in small groups, to generate ideas, explore issues in greater depth and move ‘solutions’ forward
  • A selection of the most promising project ideas at the end of the summit to ensure follow-up

We encourage direct communication and work from the outset with all those involved in the seminar (managers, organising team, project managers for logistics, accommodation and transport, room coordinators, technical team, etc.) to understand and meet everyone’s needs and ensure the success of the event.

What’s up?

Ready to rediscover your energy, enthusiasm and joy? To rewrite your story with confidence and creativity?

Paul Conway’s testimony

Airbus Operations – Change Management team

“I worked with Jean François for 6 years. I was his client, representing Airbus, but also co-facilitator for a whole series of team workshops and events for a wide audience.

Jean François has a great ability to engage a group and energise them to work together. Thanks to a light-hearted approach combining gamification and coaching, he knows how to harness the collective intelligence of a group so that together they achieve a result. Secondly, as a contact with his clients, I found that Jean François had a clear vision of what the group really needed and that he patiently crafted a workshop concept that hit the right points.

Jean François can also make a theoretical contribution from his experience with teams on how best to build an autonomous team, establish a climate of trust in the workplace or harness the diversity and creativity of individuals.”

Concrete results

  • A clear improvement in the quality of exchanges and the interconnection of teams
  • Increased team ownership of your objectives and strategic vision
  • A stronger sense of belonging to ONE extended team working in the same direction
  • The creation of a climate of trust and collective emulation conducive to the emergence of ideas and empowerment.

Communicating better to work together …

Communicating better to work together …

Let us change the way you manage your teams and their projects by introducing a more unique and less conventional form of communication to achieve more sustainable results that are recognised by all.