Fields of intervention


Collaboration, change management, relational difficulties, etc.

We use methods designed to resolve collective situations.

Fields of intervention


Collaboration, change management, relational difficulties, etc.

We use methods designed to resolve collective situations.

Some common challenges

encountered by the teams


  • Teams can experience difficulties in cohesion and collaboration, often due to a lack of a shared framework of trust.
  • The ever-increasing pace of work can lead to the formation of silos and a ‘fire-fighter mode’ approach.
  • With the rise of remote working, cross-functional collaboration becomes tricky, leading to wasted time, misalignment and general inefficiency.
  • Some groups lack mutual support, while other managers seek to develop versatility, creating disparities.
  • What’s more, there is often insufficient recognition of the work accomplished and of individual worth.
  • Compartmentalisation manifests itself in the formation of clans within the team, creating problems of understanding with stakeholders.
  • The lack of a framework, shared rules and clear decision-making leads to difficulties in regulating conflicts and easing tensions.

Supporting change

Effectively managing change can pose challenges during periods of growth crisis, with major transformations in the workforce.

  • The lack of a shared global vision and support for objectives generates frustration and misunderstandings.
  • This can lead to a mismatch between employees’ contributions and expectations, and a lack of meaning in the work they do.
  • Dissatisfaction with involvement, consistency and prioritisation can also emerge.
  • Poorly integrated roles and responsibilities lead to misunderstandings and divergent expectations.
  • Frequent changes in strategy or vision lead to frustration and a lack of clarity in the roadmap, resulting in disengagement or a drop in motivation.

Relationship difficulties

  • Management decisions can be misunderstood, creating a discrepancy between policy and reality on the ground.
  • A feeling of distrust towards management or related teams can develop, fuelled by negative judgements.
  • Toxic relations between employees, characterised by the search for those to blame, form a victim-persecutor-saviour triangle.
  • It is often difficult to express one’s feelings in a healthy way, and some teams may be in denial about the reality of the situation, presenting an apparent stability even though problems exist.

Objectives of collective facilitation seminars

Creating a framework of trust and respect

  • Creating links and connections
  • Develop solidarity (by allowing the right to make mistakes, encouraging inter-team support)
  • Admitting weaknesses and mistakes and knowing how to ask for help
  • Valuing diversity (age, nationality, expertise, sensitivities)
  • Committing the team to a shared, co-constructed collaboration charter
  • Cultivating a team where creativity and risk-taking are encouraged

Identity, vision and strategy

  • Defining who we are as a team and what we stand for
  • Give credence to what we do
  • Define our value to the customer
  • Work on communication (internally, sharing information with partners)
  • Clarify and take ownership of the strategy

Decision-making and conflict management

  • Overcoming interpersonal conflicts by communicating with respect
  • Encouraging sharing and exchange
  • Cultivating a positive and constructive approach to exchanges and decision-making by gathering all points of view
  • Strengthening relationships and recognition through constructive feedback
  • Change a situation that seemed blocked by enriching your judgement through exchange and divergence
  • Discussing issues that are essential to the team’s success, putting “politics” to one side
  • Facilitating cross-functional and multi-site collaboration
  • Strengthen collaboration between different business lines


  • Clearly define everyone’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Define a realistic and concrete roadmap
  • Be able to revise your trajectory without hesitation in order to move forward

Mutual accountability

  • Faire une rétrospective à date de l’équipe (ce qui fonctionne bien, ce que nous souhaiterions améliorer)
  • Être en capacité de remettre en question ses approches respectives
  • Encourager l’excellence et l’amélioration continue
  • Favoriser l’échange de bonnes pratiques en matière de conduite du changement
  • Aborder les espoirs et les craintes de manière harmonieuse en ce qui concerne le changement


  • Celebrate joint results and successes
  • Give recognition and feedback to everyone
  • Encouraging innovation to stand out from the competition
  • Boosting everyone’s energy and motivation

Systems implemented

A rigorous method that focuses on meaning, process and content.

Our seminars are always tailored to your needs and requirements. They follow a method that always follows the logic: meaning – process – content.

Beginning with meaning means focusing on everything first, and in particular before imagining any work sequence or seminar architecture. We collect the objectives with the seminar sponsor and organiser during a series of interviews, by questioning, clarifying and reformulating the request.

These interviews enable us to imagine the structure and coherence to be given during the day or days of the seminar with the team.

This is the stage at which the process, the agenda and the logistical details needed to organise and ensure that the work is carried out properly are co-constructed. One of our best practices is to regularly formalise the agenda for our seminars and events using SessionLab, a totally collaborative digital planning tool that enables facilitators and teams to easily design and organise fun workshops and work sequences. The work sequences and workshops (the what) are therefore built around this preliminary plan.

We always use the right methods at the right time to ensure they are effective. The fact remains, however, that in our practice we largely favour facilitation that combines professional coaching and play.

Working together effectively means rediscovering a collective sense of commitment through inspiring creative media that draw on all the arts.

A few examples

implemented according to the scenarios and objectives :

Case 1: Supporting the creation of a new or substantially reorganised team


  • Accueil des participants, pose du cadre, de l’agenda et des attentes
  • Intégration des nouveaux et des anciens par une série de jeux ludiques permettant à chacun de partager ses expériences et ressentis individuels avec le groupe
  • Atelier ludique en sous-groupes autour de l’identité, des valeurs communes et de la raison d’être de l’équipe à travers la conception d’une œuvre créative commune
  • Déjeuner ensemble


  • Sharing the team’s vision and strategy in a plenary session
  • Clarification of each person’s roles and responsibilities using an interactive tool (world café, team canvas session, etc.)
  • Creation of a team commitment charter
  • Final debriefing as a large group

Case study 2: Easing latent conflicts within a team and re-establishing a collective dynamic


  • Welcoming participants, setting the framework, the agenda, everyone’s expectations and concerns
  • Co-construction of a common working and respect framework
  • Workshop: Sharing how the team currently works (what works and what doesn’t) Creative media (drawing, lego, etc.) to distance yourself from the reality of the situation. Plenary debriefing
  • Lunch together


  • Jeu collectif autour de la cohésion afin de mettre en lumière les systèmes de fonctionnement. Réflexion en binôme et partage en collectif.
  • Apports théoriques sur les bonnes pratiques de la collaboration et de la communication (Triangle gagnant, position de vie issus de l’analyse transactionnelle, principes de la CNV appliqué à des cas concrets)
  • Atelier : Les modes de fonctionnement de l’équipe. Clarification des droits et des devoirs à partir de cas de travail concrets, formalisation et engagement de chacun sur une charte de collaboration commune (ce que l’on veut voir, ce que l’on ne veut plus voir)
  • Debrief en plénière.

Case study 3: Improving cross-functional collaboration and teamwork


  • Welcoming participants, setting the framework, agenda and objectives of the seminar
  • Dynamic setting of expectations
  • Playful inclusion of each participant through a creative medium to be defined with the sponsor (drawing, dance of multiple intelligences, stick game, playful exercise from improv or clown theatre, etc.)
  • Team retrospective (objectives, strengths, barriers and obstacles) using agile coaching techniques and sharing the results in a large group.
  • Lunch together


  • Activité : A partir des sujets clés identifiés, travail dynamique en sous-groupe pour mobiliser l’intelligence collective (Forum ouvert, Ateliers thématiques…) et définir ensemble des solutions innovantes. Partage en grand groupe des résultats.
  • Définition ensemble d’un plan d’action SMART afin de rendre les décisions et les responsabilités claires pour tous.
  • Activité : Activité ludique autour de l’engagement collectif afin d’encourage et de mobiliser l’équipe autour des objectifs et actions définies.
  • Conclusion et partages en plénière.

Tangible results

  • Managers have become better listeners and communication between departments has improved.
  • Teams have become more aware of how they operate and where improvements can be made.
  • Increased cross-functional collaboration
  • Improved efficiency and conduct of meetings

Why use a professional facilitator for your events?

Using a facilitator for a corporate team seminar offers a host of benefits that are crucial to the success of your events.

  • Firstly, the facilitator brings expertise in managing group dynamics, promoting effective communication and harmonious collaboration between team members.
  • Thanks to their facilitation skills, facilitators can create an environment conducive to creativity, innovation and problem-solving.
  • What’s more, their neutral role helps to maintain balance in discussions and manage potential conflicts constructively.
  • By planning and coordinating the running of the seminar, the facilitator also frees managers and employees from logistical tasks, allowing them to concentrate fully on the objectives and expected results of the event.

Communicating better to work together …

Communicating better to work together …

Let us change the way you manage your teams and their projects by introducing a more unique and less conventional form of communication to achieve more sustainable results that are recognised by all.